The Path

When I was young I used to think broken things were beautiful…and then I was broken.

Now I see them for what they really are, pieces of something that was once whole and will never be again.

Us broken things can only pretend to be whole.

Shine a light on us and you will see us for who we really are.

I am not young anymore, my broken pieces no longer hold any charm.

I keep desperately trying to fix myself, to rise above it all, triumphant–a warrior.

And yet, I keep falling. Time and time again I fall and another precious piece breaks off.

Another scar added to my collection.

I have moved across the world.

I have travelled and seen things. Incredible things.

And yet, I am still broken.

Will I ever be beautiful again?


“Are there any stories you wish you had ended differently?” She asked, bright blue drops shining gently at the corner of her mouth.

Mine. I wish my story had ended differently.